Friday, August 8, 2014

The Graphics of Fractal Art

I love experimenting with color and form, which is probably why UF is one of my all time favorite applications. I subscribe to several of Dover Publications mailing lists for free images. Many of these images are coloring book pages.

475492-031   475492-031_SBP01_A

The image above, on the left, is from Dover’s Geometric Stained Glass Coloring Book ( I used Paint Shop Pro and the Super BladePro plugin, from Flaming Pear ( both of which I have used for years, to color the graphic. The Super BladePro plugin allows you to create your own presets, an option I used extensively in the past. All the ‘coloring’ I did in the image uses presets of my own creation. As you can see, I also changed the aspect of the original coloring book page to make it square.

I’ve done a lot of experimentation with Ron Barnett’s coloring Image Traps, and some of these experiments are contrary to his intent. The results are usually flowers. After all, flowers are my thing. Today I felt like branching out and came up with this:


I used the Newton formula from Standard.ufm, and Image traps on the background layer. Then I added a Carlson Orbit Traps layer to add a bit of texture and interest. That’s it! Two layers with lots of color.

With the advent of Ultra Fractal 5 back in 2008 that added the import image feature, I found that much of the graphic work I had done before could become an enhancement to my fractal creations. Graphics and fractals have been a long, and sometimes arduous, journey for me. I’m pretty much self taught, and I rely on what I think of as my ‘eye for what looks good’ to get me over the learning curve. Mostly that ‘eye’ has seen the wow moments and told me to save whatever caused the ‘oh wow’ moment.

I relied heavily on the Ultra Fractal Mailing List to get me to the point where I could envision what I wanted to do and get at least somewhat close to that image. I make no bones about not knowing (or even caring about) the math behind the fractals. There are enough excellent formula writers out there to keep me busy for many, many years. To them I am eternally grateful. I would mention names, but I might miss one or two and feel terrible about such an oversight. The formula writers not only provide the backbone for my artistic endeavors, they are willing to provide answers and incite when I have questions or need some advice on how to proceed to achieve what I might have in mind. My most heartfelt thanks to all of them!

I’ve uploaded a render of this one, titled “Primary Colors,” to my gallery on Renderosity… you can check it out at graphicMADness.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Expanding Horizons

It’s time to stop thinking about selling my art, and time to start actually making the effort to sell my art.

One avenue is through deviantART ( I’ve put up a couple of new items there, rendered at a size suitable for prints, along with some older ones.

Self-promotion is hard. Why is it so hard for me to say things like “I’ve got some great artwork that might look good hanging on your wall!”? Perhaps it is a reflection of my age and up-bringing. But hey, I’ve got some great artwork that might look good hanging on your wall!

To that end, I have to say, I have some of my artwork hanging on my walls, and I get a lot of compliments. There I did it, I tooted my own horn. Still feels so wrong.

I am in the process of going back through my Ultra Fractal images made with Ultra Fractal 4 for the purpose of rendering some of them at a size deemed suitable for printing by deviantART. I am also taking the time to modify them with things like grouping into folders and adding my copyright signature image layer.

If you look at my last post, and scroll down to where I describe creating my Fibonacci Flower, you will see that I mentioned taking the image posted there and turning it into 22 images of varying colors. I find that this technique doesn’t work all the time, but when it does, oh baby. So now I have Fibonacci Flowers I and Fibonacci Flowers II series.

FFI_Default               FFII_Default

I know they are very similar which, I believe, makes them more commercial. If you see a picture for sale that you like, but the colors are all wrong for your room, don’t you wish you could ask the artist to do another one in your colors? I see digital art as the solution to that particular dilemma. Each of the above images comes in a total of 22 flavors which allows you to get just the combination you think would look best hanging in your home.

I would love to get feedback on my ideas.

Visit my gallery on deviantART at
